

  • im just over 5 months [regnant with my third bebeee-- I increased my calories but no there is no MFP setting... i was in the best shape ive ever been right before we conceived and now i am 12 lbs light at 19wks with this child than with my other two-- i had a rough first trimester of eat my armitis if youd let me i just…
  • I actually froze my gym membership because i had such a hard first trimester, and now im feeling some energy back but im just going to keep it light at home until i deliver... im 19 weeks with my 3rd now... how many total calories are yall consuming per day?
  • Awesome replies!! I did the same... And like wasn't even wanting anymore but kept SHOVING--- It's ok I felt so sick afterwards--- I want to remember that feeling... Today is a clean slate and yesterday doesn't have any power over my today!!
  • At least you've identified a pattern so now you can avoid it- mentally prepare for that late night craving by eating 2 hours before it happens lean meat- maybe some cherry tomatoes-- and if it helps go to bed a little earlier till your body gets on board with your plan too :)