

  • hello there ! I have been participating on this site for about 2 weeks. already down 3 lbs. my overall weight loss goal was 10 lbs. Looking for friends with similiar goals. always open to advice, healthy recipes, new work out routines, others acheivements and set backs, Preferably female ages 35-45 Thanks and Good Luck out…
  • Hi Im Kristine i have very similiar weight loss goals but am struggling with finding an ideal weight . i am always open and curious about new work out routines, healthy recipes and basically how others are doing on their fitness journey. gool luck !
  • Im in the newbie club too ! not new to fitness but new to my fitnesspal. Trying to get rid of 10 pounds and maintain muscle. Love this site ! need to be accountable for calorie intake , this helps me stay on track !