

  • A couple of glass bottles and pretty heavy tape dispenser. There is a display of arrowheads but no bow and no arrows.
  • I like mine to fall off... on demand.
  • From right now (I've only just re-started) I'm looking at 135#. I lost 50 and regained 20 over the last 12 months. My goal weight is 215 (something like the avatar).
  • When I was in rehab with my hip the nutritionist put a fat tree milk carton and a pack of Armour protein powder on my lunch and dinner trays. In the milk it tasted like a malt shake. A drop of vanilla wouldn't hurt. The only thing about that was thinking about where Armour would get protein from (image of guy with push…
  • Just had the Thanksgiving office potluck yesterday. I didn't bring anything either. My plate was not a pretty sight. neither was my second plate.
  • 374! I was 380 Sept'10. 328 around July. Now 350 shooting for the low 200s. and I'm only 6'. Good Job. I'll be down there in the 200s soon.
  • The thing I noticed (no pictures!!!!) in losing 50# (380>>>330) was that when I looked in a mirror, I could see my ears. another 50 and the extra chin might be gone as well. GOODJOB! You look great!
  • I've gone from 54" pants (worn below the belly) to 50" pants worn around the belly button (or there abouts). I'm still wearing 3X and 4X shirts but I can button on a 2X. I came that close to seeing 400# and never thought I'd ever be over 300, so absolutely take control now. If you've found a routine that works, stay in it.
  • Okay, I hit the quote button this time. The 'out of body' thing is something I am very familiar with. I do it all the time. I'm thinking in my head, "Okay, right now you're having one of those out of body episodes - you're putting balogna and mayo and cheese and peanut butter on two slices of bread at 11:38pm when you…
  • @LalLewis re: smoking lol. i almost reported your post. i hit the wrong button thinking i was replying, typed a whole big reply and was about to submit when i realized i was in the report post, not reply to post eta: sheesh! then i hit the reply instead of the quote. you'd think i'd never been on a forum before. Anyway...…
  • Emotions are the worst enemy you have. You'd think eating was something you'd do to stay alive, but it's much more strongly something you do when you're happy, when you're sad, when you're celebrating, when you're mourning. when ecstatic, when you're depressed. There's always a reason to eat, and only one reason not to.…
  • Hi! I'm just restarting and looking to lose 135#. But I did lose 50# last year, and that without MFP, so I know it can be done and this place is just the place to find the support you need.
  • Hi, Ryan. I registered here a few months ago but have not been active, and have not been actively controlling my diet, so in a sense I am just getting started (or re-started) today. Now, I have to qualify that by saying that over the last year I have dieted successfully - I lost 50# very comfortably from Oct'10 thru about…
  • Where is the tool to add a member picture (not that it will be a picture of the real me - not for the time being anyway).
  • Thanks. I appreciate that. As I say, I've been registered for a while and made a start before. Now I've fallen back 20ibs I've returned with renewed will. The big trick for me is dinner and post-dinner at home. That's a bad time. Also, in losing the 50# I had shrunk my stomach. In gaining back the 20# I let it stretch out…