msfazer Member


  • I am currently looking for a daytime job ive been doing this one for 2 years now and kind of got used to earning more due to the night premium so days is probably going to be a big cut. Its a very active job (warehouse) so im shattered by the time i get home after a 12 hour shift. My partner works days on paper it seemed…
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  • I have only just came back to mfp after putting on two stone! (Wish i still looked like my profile pic i worked so hard for that). Hmm maybe if i set my activity level to low it will make more sense?
  • Me its not always a pretty sight though!
  • I completely agree with that as when I was younger I had a friend who's parents never aloud any junk food ever in their house and wheb she got old enough to get pocket money all she ever bought was junk. I remember her mum saying to her "how cone your so fat when we don't let you eat junk?" I think if you ban somethin…
  • I would say just grin and bear it I know I would be very upset if someone said that to me even if I knew I was doing wrong. My youngest is 10months and eats loads of vegetables and fruit he likes grilled chicken and fish but I have to admit he has tried the odd bit of junk food here and there but its definitely not a…
  • I agree everyone is different I am aiming for 145 at the moment as that's the high end of healthy for my height 5'4". But now I'm nearly there I'm realising that I have a very small frame my wrists have always been tiny even when I was 205lb so I think I will be aiming lower once I hit my goal. The only part of me that is…
  • Hi thank you everyone for your kind words and for letting me know I'm not the only one to feel this way! I have been on here since February just my phone locked me out of my account so had to start again. I had my 3rd baby last September and have lost 50lb since he was born. It's just so easy to forget how far I have come…
  • Thanks for all your advice I think he is threatened by my healthy lifestyle. It's strange how changing your lifestyle changes so much
  • Maybe the best way to chill out is to stop being so defensive its pretty obvious from this post you take everything people tell you as a personal attack. Maybe its just your age I know when I was a teenager I thought the world was against me but I just needed to grow up a bit. I don't be to be mean but if you play the…
  • I'm interested