tneiba Member


  • Thanks for replying! It's good to know I'm not alone. But I'm worried about keeping that many single servings though since I'd probably be unable to stop at one. :sad: But I like the idea about the water! I'll definitely try that. It doesn't help that binges make me so thirsty. sigh. How do you learn to stop at one?!? I…
  • I just came back from another binge. :grumble: You know something is wrong when you crave (and then go get at 10p...) a crepe w/ nutella after you just ate 4 pudding cups, 3 cups of cereal, 3 oranges, 1/2 a bag of almonds, and garlic fries. :noway: So I've tried (unsuccessfully) to stop (many times before this too). I…
  • So I posted earlier about my binging and I realized that it really WAS emotional. I was really stressed out this week due to midterms and I couldn't get in any exercising since I was so busy studying and stressing. As this is the case, I looked back and I realized that I have been binging for about 2 weeks straight due to…
  • Thank you all for your responses! It makes me feel much better and that I'm not alone. I really hope I can make it through tomorrow. Thanks ibcausa. I never thought it could be emotional eating but I looked up some information on it and it sounds like it's the right diagnosis! I guess it's the stress of midterms in…
  • Hi, so this is my actual first post ever but I've been browsing the messages boards and gaining helpful information ever since I started on this site. I started in November, lost 20 lbs and up until three weeks ago, I've been doing well. I ate healthy and exercised 5-6 days a week. I really felt like I had made a good…