

  • Oh my goodness, what a great success! You look so great! Congrats!!!!
  • Your body is noticing these changes! It is good that you have increased your cardio, you need to always keep your body guessing. If you keep doing the same work out over a period of time , your body will get used to it and there will be no strain on no progress will be made. Try changing up your workout...even if…
  • That by far is one of the most inspiring stories I have ever heard. That is exactly what I needed today. I was starting to have doubts about myself and if I can really lose this weight, but after reading that it has given me some motiviation. You can do anything if you really want it and work hard for it, and you did just…
  • Hey go ahead and add me! I have been on for a month and I have lost 6lbs. My goal weight is 20lb. This is a great site to help keep you motivated, I hope you will like it!
    in New Here Comment by scunnin8 May 2010
  • I run a mile and a half and than walk for 10 minutes at a 4.0 pace. Than I hop on the elyptical for about 20 minutes. I end up burning close to 550 calories. Im sure if you just ran a mile and walked at a 2.5 pace for 10 minutes and did 10-15 minutes on a elyptical or stationary bike, you would burn close to 400 cal
  • Hey! They always say that the last 10-20 pounds are really hard to lose. It takes a longer time for that last stretch. When you first started you probably noticed that weight was coming off a little quicker than it is now, because you may have changed the quality and quanity of your food intake and your workout…
  • Hey Angela! This is my first week too, and I am also new!! It's my second day and I seem to be doing pretty good. My goal is 1.5 pounds a week. 5 pounds?! Thats great!!! Keep up the good work!