

  • I have not participated in the Blogs other than a few replies up to this point although I do read them. This site has helped me achieve my fitness goals ( ongoing ) and I am now within 10 pounds of my goal weight. You can certainly add me or ask me questions anytime you like, this tool is very good and once you get into…
  • What your doing is actually a great way to burn calories, I challenged myself to start running back in August and basically did the same thing. Now I am able to run most of 3 miles and when i cant I do intervals of walk run, in fact i sprint rather than just running at a 10 mile and hour pace. Congrats and keep doing it,…
  • Hello, Keep in mind that by lifting weights you are building lean muscle and that would increase your weight some. Additionally I found that my body craved more calories when I lifted and ran but if you stick to a basic BMR for your size and keep the calories within the limit you should be able to manage your weight. I…
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