

  • Not depends on your starting weight. I forget what I started at (1700 maybe?) but I'm down to 1590. It totally depends on your weight and how much you want to lose per week.
  • My first suggestion would be to not eat your exercise calories back (or at least no more than 50% of them). Are you drinking a lot of water? That's huge too. What you're eating matters too. Sometimes I have like, 400 extra calories so I have a soda (don't judge, it's an occasional pleasure!) What I really should do is have…
  • I prelog as well. As long as I know what's for dinner (and I usually do) I just put it in, then I know how many extra calories I'll be looking at after dinner. That way I can have the soda if I want, knowing I have enough calories, rather than having the soda, realizing I don't have enough calories left, and scrapping the…
  • I just joined last night and need all the support I can get! I lost 50 pounds 5 years ago on Weight Watchers and gained it all back and more :( I'm here to take control!