Help starting counting calories

I always seem to not count my calories because, well actually, I don't know why I don't. But anyway, how can I be sure that I count all my calories instead of just giving up after lunch?


  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    To start it might be easier to just worry about remembering to write every morsel you eat down on a piece of paper and then putting it in MFP in the evening or when you have time. For me I find journaling easy with the phone app. I log everything I eat when I eat it. Maybe even set an alarm on your phone to go off once in a while to journal. Soon it will become habit and you will be on MFP all day long! LOL
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    I also pre log my days when I can. Like tonight, I packed my bfast and lunch. So I wrapped up today's log and then started tomorrow's.

  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    As soon as I know what I'm having, I'll go ahead and log it in. So if I decide on what to make for dinner at 1, I'll log it then even tho I won't eat it until 6 or 7. This is also helpful with staying on track.
  • MTredhead
    MTredhead Posts: 8 Member
    Stop cheating. lol. I log EVERYTHING... until Im bad. Then Im too embarrassed, guilty or mad at myself to put it down. If Im eating well and working out, I actually look forward to logging it and seeing how great Im doing and how many 'extra' calories I can eat from exercising. It makes me feel good.
    Hang in there AND LOG IT! :bigsmile:
  • library_fiend
    I prelog as well. As long as I know what's for dinner (and I usually do) I just put it in, then I know how many extra calories I'll be looking at after dinner. That way I can have the soda if I want, knowing I have enough calories, rather than having the soda, realizing I don't have enough calories left, and scrapping the whole day.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Plan ahead.... take a few minutes in the evening to enter what you think you will be eating the next day.
    If you aren't sure, take a guess - even if things change, having a plan means that you can see the impact that eating a big pizza lunch will have on the rest of your day (for example).