But I thought she was classed as Rawk?! :P Anyhoos.. From my armchair and behind my knitting (that counts as exercise right?) I like tickling my ears with a bit of Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Jefferson Airplane and the like. On the ipod for running its mostly obscure German industrial dance music. And Tool.
I highly recommend the River Cottage Veg Everyday cook book... If you're in the US, I'm sure you'll be able to find it online. Its written by a meat eater who loves veggies and believes we'd all be better off if we ate more of them and less meat! Not a scrap of fake meat in sight :) Sometimes you just need something in a…
You actually appreciate getting up at 6.30 so you can do yoga without your toddler playing under your feet. You're still stood at said toddler's bedroom door at 6.58, just because you miss watching him sleep. :)
Put a bag on DB's head and its all fine... Take the bag off and he looks like my brother :/
Today is my 'rest' exercise day so it'll be Pilates and the Booty, Lower ABS & Love Handles Workout by the Tone It Up girls. Should be about an hour in total.
Covered in bees!
Get ye some proper running shoes and don't forget to stretch when you get home! Planning your route is also a good idea if you're running outdoors. Nothing worse than having to run around the same housing estate 5 times!!
I'm 5'10", currently 150lbs and my goal is 140lbs... I'd love to get back to 135, but as I'm running and doing more strength training now, I don't think that'll ever happen :(
So I just checked my measurement and they are below from starting on Jan 24th and measuring today Feb 2nd Waist 31" >30" Belly/Love handles (the mum tum!) 39">38" Thighs 22" No change Bust/Ribcage 31">30" Hips/Bum 40.5">40" So definitely a step in the right direction! Just a pain that my knee hurts and I'm having to take a…
I'm feeling a lot fitter, but not checked measurement yet. But I'm also having a problem with one of my knees :( I'm 4 weeks into C25k and now have a sharp pain on the inside that started just after I started 30DS :/ How long are you taking a break for amantemommy? Are you breaking from all exercise too? I think I might…
I'm on my 5th 'day' of level 1 and loving it ! (6 days since I started, but I'm having 1 day off a week) The cardio and abs work is much easier now, but I'm still finding the push ups hard work and can't get all the way down :S Seeing some results already too, which is great! Heather :)
I'm sticking with 2lb weights then lol! I might up to 3lb for L3... When I don't have such noodle arms lol! Looking forward to L1D4 today though :) Keep it going fellow Shredettes! Heather :)
I've just completed L1D3 and feeling good so far! Still struggling with the press ups and last few bicycle crunches, but I'm hoping that'll improve by day 10 :) I wrote all the level up days on my kitchen calendar so can cross the days off as I go.. makes it feel like your reaching mini goals quicker than thinking of it as…
I don't actually have any proper weights yet.... So am using a torch and a butternut squash!! They way about 2.5lbs... I'm going to stick with them for now as I have noodle arms! May invest in some proper weights for level 2 though. But only because I want to eat the squash!!
I'm aiming to do it 6 days a week. I'm starting a pilates class in a few weeks, so will be doing a pilates dvd on sundays to brush up on my stretching. It'll be interesting to see which kills me first through, C25k or 30DS!
Hello fellow Shredders and Shredettes! I did my first workout yesterday (24/1/12... I'm from the UK, so my dates are all backwards ;) )and second today... Also doing C25K, but just finished week 2 of that so I'm hoping that and 30DS together will help me shift my 'mum tum'! I took my measurements and before pics today…