

  • Great job! Good luck on the second half of your journey.
  • What a great reminder! Thank you for sharing.
  • When I was doing 30 Day Shred I did not take a day off. I did the 1st stage for 7 days and included a lot of walking. Week 2 I alternated 1st stage and 2nd stage. Third week I alternated stage 2 and 3. Fourth week I did stage 3 only. I don't know if this is the intended use but it helped me get through the program. Good…
  • I too am starting over. 2012 WILL be my year for success! And no this is not a resolution that will be broken by the end of this week. I need the change and am determined to make it work. I was active on here but had surgery on my foot in October. Due to being inactive, a little weight has come back which of coarse…
  • Great job! You look FANTASTIC! What a change. Thank you for sharing a little hope to so many who have lost it.
  • My wake up call was looking at pictures of myself from this year and comparing them to pictures from 5 years ago. A gain of 5-8 lbs a year doesn't sound like a lot until you ignore them for 5 years. And wake up 1 day to realize the impact those 5-8 lbs is really having on your body and your life. Plus I am approaching 40…
  • They sound great...I love pumpkin so I will have to budget on eating 2. Thank you for the idea.