ehos Member


  • Brownies. Lemon frosting. Freaking halloween candy.
  • I love turbo jam! I love it so much that I went and got certified to teach TurboKick! It's a great workout, I hope you enjoy it! I do.
  • The low one probably. I'm also a stay at home mom of three and while I am on my feet a lot, I'm not really "burning calories." If you're not literally jogging through the house, I'd go with the low activity one. Whatever it's called...that's the one I chose and I'm losing exactly what I told it that I wanted to lose. Good…
    in Question??? Comment by ehos October 2011
  • I had to quit drinking caffeine and those first few days just about killed me. Within a week, I was feeling much better and the headaches went away. You're going through withdrawal, as awful as that sounds, so just push through it with a little ibuprofen and you'll be fine! Good luck.