LAD1981 Member


  • Ditto.. 7kgs lost last year.. back on and more :sad: I LOVE FOOD!!! :love:
  • Dairy! Couldnt believe it after 20 years, that and I stopped smoking but definitely dairy, cut out and my skins improved so much. I've tried everything or so I thought. Best of luck, and I feel your pain
  • Bought the FT7 couple of weeks ago, love it! Underestimated my calorie burning completely and it's totally comfy, I wore it all day last week as a test and never bothered me at all, its nice to have it snug, never rubs or anything like that, My sports bras have this really convenient shape that fits the monitor nicely so…
  • Bought mine this weekend and boyfriend was outraged when I suggested I wear it during.. I said, it's like a challenge for him :)
  • This is distracting me from work trawling through all the topic posts. I don't know if I want to buy a FitBit or a HRM.. I do bootcamp 3 times a week, personal training (weights) twice a week and whatever other cardio/strength I feel like in between. I really want to know what I'm burning a day because no idea at bootcamp…
  • Burpees.. the work of the devil. Always tell people if I ever have kids, as punishment I will make them do these :O)
  • I downloaded HIIT timer onto my phone which I use for my music in the gym, you programme whatever you want into it. I set up my room with a jump rope, step, dumbells, sandbag etc I have 20 minute plan, 1 minute arms, 1 minute legs, 1 minute cardio, 1 minute cardio, 1 minute abs, rest for 10 seconds .. repeat til 20 minutes…
  • SOLD! Roll on payday! Thanks guys
  • Yup, I'm with you - For me, I'm annoyed with myself - Annoyed that I know I can do this, I did it before but annoyingly so, I put it back on and so I'm annoyed that I'm annoyed with myself for it being annoying that its taking AGES :) Hang on in there, if you did it before, you know you can do it again.. thats what I keep…
  • Feel your pain - Acne sufferer for years, felt like I tried everything.. Then cut out dairy and cant believe the difference in my skin - I also quit smoking which was a huge factor too, but I really felt it was the dairy for me after all this time. Also, not sure if you're exercising more too? I noticed flare ups quite a…
  • Recently did egg muffins, they're great. 12 eggs, some chopped up low fat ham or turkey, whatever, some chopped onion and zucchini (pan fried with s&p, herbs, whatever you want) little bit of parmesan and anything you like.. whisk it all up and pour into muffin pan, bake for about 15 mins. I pop 2 muffins into freezer…