alauriab Member


  • Ak-Mak crackers and freshly ground almond butter, hummus and carrots ( I get my hummus from Trader Joe's - they have one that is pretty low in sodium...gotta be careful with sodium in hummus)
  • Not sure if y'all get Groupons or not - there is a Groupon today for a DVD set that comes with a kettlebell - it's a full program. Not sure if it will hyperlink here or not - but your could copy and paste into your browser. Seems like a good price. Maybe that will be helpful…
  • The reason it is high is becasue the creamers ( esp fat free ) use high fructose corn syrup and a serving size on a banana is 1/2 of a regular sized fruit because their sugar levels are so high. So eating a whole one is really 2 servings of fruit. Regular milk is a better choice than creamers( esp. the processed ones) and…