Kettlebell DVDs

Hi all

I finally took the plunge and have ordered a set of cast iron kettle bells from eBay, 4kg + 8kg + 10kg

I'm now looking for DVDs or YouTube workouts to use with them. I know some of the basic exercises but would prefer to follow along as I tend to "forget" proper form and posture if I do it on my own.

I'm looking on Amazon and have found "Kettlercise Just for Women" which looks good.

Also, as I have TiVo I get YouTube on my DVD, so are there any decent workout videos for kettlebells on there?

Any help and advice gratefully appreciated.



  • I recently started working out with kettlebells and really like it! (And Im not much of an exercizer.) My kettlebells came with a sheet with some basic moves, some of which I do. I have also incorporated some that I learned from YouTube videos and made my own little routine. I want to try an inexpensive DVD though. Please let me know how you like the DVD you got and how you like using the kettlebells in general. :happy:
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Just started a class and am thinking about buying some, too. I'm interested in the responses!
  • Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper have good kettle bell videos, too. I always get a good workout doing their videos. If you order from Bob Harpers site, they are $5 bucks right now. I've always bought mine from amazon b/c we have prime so it equals out to about the same.
  • alauriab
    alauriab Posts: 3 Member
    Not sure if y'all get Groupons or not - there is a Groupon today for a DVD set that comes with a kettlebell - it's a full program.
    Not sure if it will hyperlink here or not - but your could copy and paste into your browser.
    Seems like a good price.
    Maybe that will be helpful
  • Oh, JM's videos are about 25 minutes while Bob's are about 45 minutes. I like to do JM when I am short on time but want to get a good sweat in.
  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member

    I have recently bought Kettlercise, although it is good I dont think its one of the best and there is quite a 'low budget' feel about it to be honest. Kettleworx although abut more expensive are meant to be fantastic.

    Kettle bells are great though and you will certainly notice the difference, good luck x
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    I can't give you much advice regarding youtube, but I will say that I own the Kettlercise for women DVD and I do really enjoy it. I spent a long time choosing my kettlebell workout and I'm glad I went for that one. It has a great section at the beginning which really explains how to do each move properly and then a good choice of workoutsso you can mix and mach depending on how you feel.

    The only complaint I have is that the warm up is only on the full workout so if you want to do the 20 minute workout you have to do the warm up then change discs and that's a pain. But you could do your own warm up, I've ripped the discs onto my PC so it only takes a couple of clicks plus I can mute the DVD and play my own music over the top. (also very handy with Jillian Michaels workouts!) It's only a minor complaint though and I still think the workout is great :smile:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Search youtube for anything released by a RKC qualified instructor.

    Out of interest, google Jillian Michaels and kettlebell. You may find a video with someone openly laughing at her. This is because her techniques, and other western junk like kettlercise are a joke. People who know no better are the unfortunate victims.
    Trainers are just picking up kettlebells and thinking they know what they're doing, but that haven't got a clue.

    It's both a blessing and a curse that so many are trying kettlebells. There are other societies doing it right, but RKC is the only one I can say for sure has no junk on it. If they can't even spell kettlebells, then alarm bells should be ringing.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Thanks for all the advice so far!! I just went on YouTube and searched on RKC Kettlebells and some good vids came up showing the core exercises. I may also take the plunge and buy a DVD too. Out of interest, what is it that Kettleworx and Kettlercise does so wrong?
  • LisaRN9
    LisaRN9 Posts: 75 Member
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    LOL...on my page... the Kettleworx ads are all around this post. hint...hint
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    Bump for time now!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Kettleworx.... Hands down!! I'm a kettlebell freak... started about 8 weeks ago and love it! Started with a class, but just so easy to do at home. Kettleworx is quite an extensive set of dvd's.... everything you will ever need!!
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    I have Kettlercise, and I agree with the other poster who says it's a bit low budget. (plus none of the women in it ever smile, the mardy cows). However I put the volume down, listen to some music and find the 50 min workout a real killer!

    I have Jillian's Shred it with weights which is a kettlebell/or dumbbell workout. Have only done the first level. Now this might be sacrillage as I love me some Jillian, but I just haven't been that in to this DVD of hers.

    I go to a class once a week and for me this is the best and most fun workout, but working out with a DVD is just as good (but not half the craic)
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Thanks all for the advice. Have now purchased "Kettlebell for Dummies" book from Amazon

    I have seen that Bob Harper has a cardio shred kettlebell DVD but it's not available in UK unless you pay stupid money

    Still researching the DVDs, there's not a massive choice out there... I was drawn to Kettleworx but have seen some people being VERY scathing about it on the forums :-/ The more I read, the more confused I get!!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Thanks all for the advice. Have now purchased "Kettlebell for Dummies" book from Amazon

    I have seen that Bob Harper has a cardio shred kettlebell DVD but it's not available in UK unless you pay stupid money

    Still researching the DVDs, there's not a massive choice out there... I was drawn to Kettleworx but have seen some people being VERY scathing about it on the forums :-/ The more I read, the more confused I get!!

    That's a great book choice, it's written by an RKC. It will teach you more than you need to know, so just sit tight and wait for your delivery.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    I got the book, and it's great - but I find it quite hard to read and to convert that to my actions...I'm doing the swings but finding it hard to get the "clean" right.

    I have noticed that the woman who wrote the book (Sarah Curie) has a set of DVDs out "Iron Core" or something like that. Has anyone tried them? I'm wondering if that would help - then I can see the form and follow along with a programme?

    Has anyone tried any of the other DVDs out there?

  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    What is it you're having trouble with?

    Kbqueen has a clean video on youtube that helped me back in the day. She also uses the adapted rack position that may be useful for women.

    It's a vertical move.
    Tame the arc on the way up, it's not a flip over and smash onto the forearm.
    Pour that vodka to get it back down
  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm doing Iron Core Volume I... I like it lol. It's nothing fancy, but it definitely gets my heart going and I can still feel it a few days later. I would trust Sarah Lurie to have good workouts given her credentials with kettlebells, so I feel like it's a good choice.

    Edited to add: The video takes 30 second breaks in between exercises, and during the break it explains how to perform the upcoming exercise. Good if you tend to forget your form. It's really beginner friendly.