MissFit2532 Member


  • Yes I've been massaging it on a roller, been doing some yoga, and wearing more supportive shoes. I'll look for one of those Dr Scholl machines and look for the orthotics. Waiting for the water to warm up a bit here in AZ so I can do some swimming. Thank you for the support!
  • Hi Lydia, I know how you feel. At first I made "healthier" (<--I use that term loosely) swaps, (seltzer water instead of cranberry juice w/ vodka, red wine instead of white wine), then I realized that I drink a lot. LOL Now, I save my drinks for special occasions and I now enjoy seltzer water with a lime and a splash of…
  • I cut everything with seltzer! I didn't realize how much I really enjoyed drinking, (beer, vodka, wine), until I started telling people I was drinking seltzer water with wine, seltzer water with light lemonade, seltzer water with seltzer water in place of my normal drinks. I felt a little lush-y, but at least now I have…
  • I used to drink about 500 calories a day in coffee too and thought frappuccinos from Starbuck's counted as coffee. HA! I am still working my way down but I no longer use Coffee-Mate. Now I freeze my coffee into ice cubes and fill up a glass, add a packet of stevia, about 1/2 cup Silk Vanilla Coconut Milk, fill the rest…
  • I have a 3.5 year old son and 2 full-time step kids: 15 y-o boy and 16 y-o girl. Toddler and teens, lucky me! =) Feel free to add me if you like.