

  • I bought mine online from Walgreens. I've seen it on Amazon as well. I did a 3 day fast drinking 3 shakes per day and a couple bowls of vegetable broth. So far I've lost 5lbs. Now I'm drinking 2 shakes per day with one healthy meal of 500 calories. I will say the shakes are nasty if you just add the mix to water. I used…
  • Well I'm a little late to join you. I just started and am on day 4. How did it go for you? So far I haven't had any problems and have lost 5lbs
  • I've been drinking Almased for 3 days and it's been great. I use almond milk for the shakes, so not lactose. It does sound like a fad, but I've lost 5lbs and my cravings have stopped, which was the main goal for me. I haven't felt terrible hungry and the shakes are good if you doctor them up a bit. I'm probably going to…
    in Almased Comment by hfmills February 2014