

  • I had weight loss starting after only a day of cutting out wheat. I think to notice certain changes it can take weeks, but some are pretty much immediate.
  • bcweisen I have candida and if I eat sugar I cannot lose weight no matter what I do. I was working out lots and eating healthy but would have a snack with sugar here and there or would eat pasta or lots of fruit. If I follow the candida diet that my naturopath has given me I lose weight at a fantastic speed! Because you…
  • Do what you enjoy doing! If walking is what you like.. then walk! And listen to your body. If you push too hard you'll either get injured or lose motivation. Doing 100 squats doesn't mean anything. If you can do 10 today, then do 11 tomorrow. There isn't a point in working out to the point where you are so sore that you…
  • As much as I hate to admit it.. It's true that cheese is not tolerate well by a lot of people, including myself. I'm allergic to dairy, not lactose intolerant. Since cutting dairy out of my life my acne has gone away, I have way more energy and so much more. Since learning of my allergy I've mentioned it to some friends…
  • I've done cardio many times after giving blood, but I also give blood regularly and know how my body reacts to it. If you've hardly given blood before I'd maybe refrain from the cardio but if you've given blood regularly.. you know your body best! In my opinion, just listen to your body. I always avoid lifting heavy…
  • It's really common for people to hold their breath while strength training and not even realize it. Make sure you breath out during the exertion part (so for a squat breath out as you push yourself up and breath in as you squat down)
  • Make sure that you're breathing while doing you workout