Wha'ts so wrong with cheese???



  • MakingChange
    All things in moderation...

    My fav cheese 'swap' is using a small amount of parmesan instead of heaps of any other type of cheese. Lots of flavour, but tiny on the cals and fats, love it!

    Goat cheese is often lower in fat than other types of cheese as well - but check the pack before you consume because the fat and cal content can vary between producers.

    As far as your trainer goes; some trainers are anti-dairy and some are anti-fats, some are great and some are plain crazy, all have their own opinions. At the end of the day, you should always question anyone that tells you to cut-out a food type, especially when modern science has given us the healthy eating pyramid.

    Happy and healthy eating,
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    I eat cheese EVERY SINGLE day. Love it.

    I do, too. Full fat, with lunch and sometimes with dinner as well.
  • TheOddOne
    TheOddOne Posts: 45 Member
    I opt for the low cal laughing cow cheeses. So delicious!!!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I’m a cheese-oholic. It does have fat & sodium…, but I’m a runner so I don’t concern myself with it.
  • flyingbabs
    Just watched a documentary that says dairy is not good. Humans do not need to consume cows milk, plus they said that it can actually leach calcium from our bones in spite of whats commonly understood by most of the country. Just watched it on Netflix. Called "fork over knife" . Good program, good information, very controversial.

    As much as I hate to admit it.. It's true that cheese is not tolerate well by a lot of people, including myself. I'm allergic to dairy, not lactose intolerant. Since cutting dairy out of my life my acne has gone away, I have way more energy and so much more. Since learning of my allergy I've mentioned it to some friends who were having some small health issues that I also had, told them I fixed it by cutting out dairy and they tried doing the same.. with SUCCESS. So it's not necessarily the calories or fat in cheese, it's the fact that it's not easily digested by a large portion of the population and causes problems that people associate with other things.

    Remember not to just think of calories and fat and carbs and all that stuff.. but how your body actually digests and reacts to certain foods. Gluten is another big one.. it's not just people with celiac disease that need to avoid it, a lot of people have allergies to it and just don't know it. Allergies don't just mean itchy eyes or skin or hives or runny noses.. There are different type of allergies. My main allergy symptoms are acne, fatigue, easy bruising, dry skin, bloating.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you don't have sensitivities to it, no problem! I agree, if you stay within your calorie goals, some cheese is not going to hurt. I hardly ever even use low fat cheese unless I'm cooking it because it doesn't taste as good in many cases.