cskalaj Member


  • There are 3 scales at my house (mix of digital and non-digital) and a doctor's office-type scale at the gym. None of them ever record the same weight at any time - even within minutes of using the other and without drinking or eating or exercising! Digital or non, the best approach is to stick to the same one and you can…
  • Ditto to this. I'm one of 9 children, and my husband is an only child. His dad passed away this past January and the responsibility it has heaved on him has been almost overwhelming. For both of us. It's so reassuring knowing that if/when something happens to my parents, there are 8 other people to help out with all of the…
  • When I say I'm not a perfect eater, I mean I don't always eat the best foods (yes, I know the argument about not being "bad" foods) I DO log everything and stay within calories (or maybe give myself a 100 calorie lead-way, but this is exactly what I did 20 pounds ago). And I always used the elliptical on the highest…
  • it feels weird to shower when you aren't already soaking in sweat. Every time I take a "dry" shower it gets me!
  • I don't have kids and I don't think once a week is excessive...especially since you have a willing (she's willing, right?) and possibly eager built-in babysitter (grandparents can never get enough of the grandkids, right?). Even if you're both working full time, you still have every evening and all the rest of the weekend…
  • My husband got me a heart rate monitor for Christmas and I've been experimenting since I had the same questions. MFP calories, for me, have been pretty close while the machines at the gym have sometimes DOUBLED what the heart rate monitor says I burned! And these are machines where I have to put my weight in and they are…
  • Sorry, I'm just getting back to this. I realize that she probably caught a bug somewhere, but that still doesn't answer my question as to whether her immune system was compromised from pushing too hard regardless of when or how she contracted the bug. Basically I'm wondering if there is anyone with medical knowledge that…
  • I think you're over thinking it. I've found that trying to log every single step I take and every single bite I take tends to make me not want to log at all as it is so time consuming. (As somewhat of a perfectionist, I have a hard time beginning projects if I can't do it AND DO IT RIGHT to completion...which sometimes…
  • Similar to this is if you add all of the digits of a number together and the end result is a multiple of 3, the number is divisible by 3. Examples: 111 = 1+1+1 = 3 so 111 is divisible by 3! 927 = 9+2+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 9 so 927 is divisible by 3!
  • Bump for later. The crock pot seems to be my best friend lately!
    in Crockpot Comment by cskalaj October 2012
  • Haha! Look at my pace! It would be tough to go slower than I do sometimes. My initial goal when I started running was to get a 5K in in 30 minutes or less, but it still takes me at least 33 to do so. I guess I'll just keep plugging on.
  • I'm not sure where you are getting your information, but I used to work in a fairly busy fast food restaurant and it would take us over a month to get through that stack. Anyway, everything in moderation, right? :)
  • My sister actually went through something similar when she lost ~80 pounds and went from being 220-ish to being 140-ish. In picking it apart afterwards, she realized it was because she was actually bitter that people who wouldn't give her the time of day when she was big were now trying to talk to her or date her and it…
  • Did she happen to get the chicken recipe, too? Barbacoa is okay, but not my favorite...
  • I read on here a few weeks ago that exercise actually helps to stave off oncoming infections by reproducing fever-like qualities in your body when your blood is flowing and your temperature rises and killing bacteria. That being said, I wouldn't go to the gym to spread it if you think it's possible at all that you are…
  • I think it's funny that the question was asking why people don't have their food diaries open, but 90% of the responses have come from people whose diaries are open. Some people (like myself) are just private people and don't like to share much...either in the form of a food diary or a comment to a question about food…
    in Food Diaries Comment by cskalaj May 2012
  • I did it back in '06 when I was preparing to leave for 2 years in Africa because I didn't want to mess with contacts or keeping up with glasses while I was there. I love it! My vision wasn't very bad before having it done...it was just difficult and/or gave me a headache to try to see far away without squinting pretty…
  • I'm sure it all depends on your weight, but for me, increasing my "activity level" by one category only results in ~100-125 calories' difference from the one below it. It would take 4-5 weeks of eating exactly at my suggested level in order to see a one pound (3,500 calorie) difference! So yeah...IMO it's hardly worth…
  • Why don't you just find a good hiding spot for the basket you make and keep it there and if he gives you one, run and grab his. If he doesn't break out the cookies that evening.
  • It is in an office, but like I said, I rarely see anyone during the half an hour to an hour after I get back from lunch. In fact, the hours that I've been told I absolutely must be at my desk are from 9-11 AM for cash receipt. After that, people just drop things off and walk away for the most part.
  • Haha! Ditto! I HATE the word "hubby" and have told my husband that I will NEVER call him that (at least not in a non-mocking sense).
  • My face stays red for hours, but I am sitting there shivering in the meantime. I sweat mostly from my head, too, so I wonder if that's just where all my heat stays and my extremities are cold because of it.
  • I think it's only unhealthy if it's not being monitored by a doctor... I bet they're taking his blood sugar and whatnot throughout to make sure he stays healthy. I guess the doctor COULD be a quack, but I would imagine for TV they could afford a good one. Still feel sorry for the guy who's going to try to live on 800…
  • When I was in High School, I went on a VERY restrictive diet that caused my up-until-then-annoyingly-regular cycle to skip 3 months. I was on the diet for 3 months and it took 3 months being off the diet for it to regulate. Also, I gained all of the "lost weight" back myself. That's the problem with those very restrictive…
  • "Lucky" by Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat!
  • Haha! I use this response to this question a lot... I was curious about this, too, so I played around with it and there is a less than 500 calorie difference for "calories burned from normal daily activity" for me (5'6 female) between if I put "sedentary" and "highly active" lifestyle. Furthermore, since I don't have SO…