

  • Hello! Deciding to go on this journey is a hard step, so congrats to you! Make sure you friend me, if you wish. I love giving and getting support!
  • Congrats on your decision to start this new lifestyle! I'm currently 199 pounds, 13 pounds down from 212, and this website has helped me out tremendously. In fact, I'm 100% positive that I never would have been able to lose those pounds without MFP. Feel free to friend me, if you want, I'm more than willing to offer…
  • Was it hard for you to tell your husband?
  • Welcome! i find that cardio is the best [although the hardest] way to lose weight. I haven't started working on lifting yet, I feel like I'll be discouraged from seeing the weight gain, even though I know it's really muscle. Nice work on the time for your four miles, though! Mine would definitely take me longer, I think.…
  • I totally get what you're saying when you say that your friends are sick of hearing about your weight issues. MFP/dieting has been such a big part of my life, I talk about it constantly. I love having a place that I can go to where there are people who are willing to talk about it with me. =] Good luck on your journey!
  • Welcome to the team! It's a tough challenge, I won't lie, but everyone here is so supportive and you'll definitely fit in. I'm glad you love it so far, it's an amazing program!
  • Welcome! Good luck to you! And feel free to friend me if you want some support! I'm happy to give it =].
  • Yeah, it took me so long to find a low cal tortilla! But La Tortilla Factory has a Smart and Delicious category, all low cal tortillas. I think the highest one is 80 cals and it's huge! I find them at Walmart, I don't know if you have Walmart in the UK?
  • Anyone have any low cal recipes for wraps? =]
  • I've been on a celery and hummus kick, lately. One tablespoon of hummus and two stalks of celery... Only about 60 calories, and super delicious. I get the Garlic Lover's Hummus from Aldi, and it's so good! The hummus to celery ratio in every bite is outrageous, I end up having so much hummus, even from one tablespoon, that…
  • My hair creases like a mofo, and since I straighten it a lot, I hate the hassle of working out and then ruining it.... So I'm totally with you! I learned a new trick, tie it into a really loose ponytail and then use a GIANT clip to clip it up. I have a lot of REALLY thick hair, so that's the only thing that's worked for…
  • Incredible! You are an inspiration! Nicely done!
  • I don't know if there's an Aldi store around you, but they have AMAZING hummus. It's in three different flavors, original, garlic [my favorite], and red peppers. It's super good for you and delicious! It's also really cheap, under two dollars for a lot of it. Hummus is sometimes really expensive, so it's a great deal!…
  • You are preaching to the choir. I am now going on my third diet/exercise, hopefully this time, I don't give up. And I had the exact same problem you did.... I got discouraged because of how long it was taking and just gave up. This time, I'm in a whole new light, realizing that it's not going to be easy to lose as much…
  • Wow! I am completely overwhelmed by how many replies that have already come around, and they have all seriously helped. It's great to find a website full of people who know exactly what I'm going through, none of my friends really do, and my boyfriend? Well, he's half my size =X. Although I get tons and tons of support…