

  • How much food you eat really depends on how much weight you want to lose. If you watch biggest loser, they work out 5-7 hours a day and only eat about 1500 calories. And they lose about 2-3% of their body weight each week. Using a 300lb man as an example, if he works out 6 hours a days assuming 600 calories per hour, that…
  • You just listed your problem. You listed your weight at 69kg (metric system), but you listed your height as 5'8" (which is US height). You need to convert your height to meters and centimeters and then re-enter it. Or convert your weght to US weight. This should fix the problem.
  • I agree. A smoothie is a great way to "use" up the yogurt and a great way to eat your fruits. i agree with Jes21sica about greek yogurt. Greek yogurt has a thicker consistency than regular yogurt but it has more protein and less sugar. It is more expensive than regular yogurt, but i think it is worth it due to the taste,…
  • MattySparky, My post does not give other people advice as to how to diet. I strickly noted things that have worked well for me. As far as me "making stuff up", I have been a yo - yo dieter my entire life and I have read many books on dieting. Although many books contradict each other, alot of them have similar ideas. You…
  • I used to be hungry all the time also when I would diet. It made it so difficult to lose weight. I have made the following changes and it has been the key to losing weight. 1 - Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day (30-40% of daily calorie total) 2 - Make dinner your smallest meal (about 20-25% of daily calories).…