Always hungry..



  • ryoung25
    ryoung25 Posts: 5

    My post does not give other people advice as to how to diet. I strickly noted things that have worked well for me.

    As far as me "making stuff up", I have been a yo - yo dieter my entire life and I have read many books on dieting. Although many books contradict each other, alot of them have similar ideas. You stated that I was making up the whole "not eating between meals and not eating close to bedtime" thing. This is not my theory, it is Jillian Michaels, you know the trainer on biggest loser. She has written this in her book (among other things I listed). I think she probably knows a thing or two about dieting.

    I struggled for years with my "grazing throughout the day" eating habit. Since I have changed over to this new eating plan, I have lost 30 lbs and I am having no problems dieting. I realize that not everything works for everyone. I was just stating what has worked for me.
  • ra86
    ra86 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm really new to all of this stuff, and my head's swirling with all the different pieces of advice you'll get from different sources, so I wouldn't even try to recommend things to eat that quell your appetite, at least until I've found something that works for me.

    But I have noticed that when I'm feeling a bit hungry, a light workout really just makes me feel better and pushes the hunger away for a little while. And when I've added it to MFP, I get a couple of hundred calories back that I can have when the hunger comes back in a couple of hours.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Eat your bigger meals early in the day. Biggest meal breakfast, big meal lunch, small meal dinner, with medium-size snacks. The more energy you put in your body EARLY on in the day, you won't have to eat as much during the day and at night, you should have no hunger. Also, it could be the quality of your foods. I'm constantly hungry if I eat crap all day because it's not food that fuels me. It just feeds my tastebuds.
  • dbhagat
    dbhagat Posts: 4 Member
    Test at a doctors office for HBAIC ( hemoglobin A1c) which gives you the idea of the mean blood sugar for the last 3 months is about 25-30$. And fasting blood sugars should be about $ 20.
    But you can get a self test kit for HBAIC from walgreens

    its about $ 24.
    If yr HBAic is > 5.7, you possibly have insulin resistance and hence a higher level of insulin and hence the hunger,
    Over the counter Chromium Piconolate is known to help with insulin resistance and you may want to try it,
    Metformin ( Glucophage) is the first line of treatment ( and most inexpensive) $ 4 for a month supply. and you will surely see results with it., You will need your family doc to give you a prescription for 500 mg twice a day,
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Are you PMSing? :laugh:

    I can't get full, especially 1 week before TOM. Between 7 - 11 this morning I've already eaten 600+ calories :noway: (oatmeal, raisins, banana, peanut butter on a Bagel thin) I've already drank about 6 cups of water too... :ohwell: and I'm anxiously awaiting Lunch time at 1:00. Luckily, I've gone to the potty about 5 times already, must of burned some calories walking back and forth and squatting :laugh:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    This seems both obvious and also a little "taboo" on these boards but how about.... eating more? :laugh:

    It's a little hard to give specific advice without being able to see your food log. Assuming you are eating lots of fibrous vegetables, lean proteins and enough good fats, then my next thought would be that your goal is getting to be too aggressive as you have lost weight. If you are trying to lose 2 lbs/week and you are less than about 50-60 lbs from your goal, you might be trying to create too large of a deficit. You could try dialing back your goal to 1lb/week if it is not already there. Or take a high calorie day one day/week where you add an additional 500 or so calories. I too have experienced feeling completely RAVENOUS around the same time that you talk about and this is on days that I have done everything "right".

    On the one hand, I take it as a good sign that my metabolism is revved up when I get hungry often, but I know if I go too long, I will start to feel cranky, weak, lightheaded, and then I'll just snap and eat a box of donuts. That doesn't help anything. I feel like it is important to find a good balance: feeling nicely satiated is good, feeling overly full means I've eaten too much and feeling totally starving means my body needs a bit more calories. It's important, of course, to distinguish between actual hunger and just wanting to eat (it can be really hard to separate the two).
  • This seems both obvious and also a little "taboo" on these boards but how about.... eating more? :laugh:

    It's a little hard to give specific advice without being able to see your food log. Assuming you are eating lots of fibrous vegetables, lean proteins and enough good fats, then my next thought would be that your goal is getting to be too aggressive as you have lost weight. If you are trying to lose 2 lbs/week and you are less than about 50-60 lbs from your goal, you might be trying to create too large of a deficit. You could try dialing back your goal to 1lb/week if it is not already there. Or take a high calorie day one day/week where you add an additional 500 or so calories. I too have experienced feeling completely RAVENOUS around the same time that you talk about and this is on days that I have done everything "right".

    On the one hand, I take it as a good sign that my metabolism is revved up when I get hungry often, but I know if I go too long, I will start to feel cranky, weak, lightheaded, and then I'll just snap and eat a box of donuts. That doesn't help anything. I feel like it is important to find a good balance: feeling nicely satiated is good, feeling overly full means I've eaten too much and feeling totally starving means my body needs a bit more calories. It's important, of course, to distinguish between actual hunger and just wanting to eat (it can be really hard to separate the two).

    you sound JUST LIKE ME!!!!....I get REALLY CRANKY....Its so bad....And you are right when it happens I would so eat a box of donuts or a butt load of chocolate...Maybe I do need change my goal. I am also going to get some of those Skinny Cow ice cream things..for those times when i really just want some chocolate..I am going to make my food diary public. So if you would like to take a look and give me some ideas I would really appreciate it :) Thank you so much!!!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    you sound JUST LIKE ME!!!!....I get REALLY CRANKY....Its so bad....And you are right when it happens I would so eat a box of donuts or a butt load of chocolate...Maybe I do need change my goal. I am also going to get some of those Skinny Cow ice cream things..for those times when i really just want some chocolate..I am going to make my food diary public. So if you would like to take a look and give me some ideas I would really appreciate it :) Thank you so much!!!

    I'm guessing you already upped your calorie goal because, as it looks right now, you appear to be typically eating waaay under your goal. But, I'm assuming that your goal has recently been upped, so it just sort of messes up how the previous entries look. :happy:

    The food aspect looks pretty good to me. The one thing I would say is with the fiber aspect. I don't know what the "typical lunch" entry is, but is the fiber accurate for that? It looks to have only 1 gram of fiber, which is pretty low for that many calories. I would try to shoot for 25 grams of fiber a day, if not more. The best low-calorie way to do that is going to be cramming in as many vegetables as you can, basically. There are some supplements and some bread can have a lot of fiber and whatnot, but I've found vegetables to be the most filling-per-calorie.

    But yeah, if you were aiming for 2 lbs/week, try knocking it back to 1lb/week. This gives you the room to eat more and not feel guilty about it but, if you end up being under calories a couple of days because you aren't hungry, you might lose a little more. I just think that slow and steady is the way to go instead of eating so little that you binge! (I'm going through something similar right now. I'm very close to my goal and my body fat is pretty low, so I feel like I can't lower my goal much more and still lose but yet I feel hungry ALL the time! I have been taking more and more "high calorie days". Not a bad thing in theory, but it is if it ends up being the norm. :happy: )

    Hope you start feeling a little less ravenous!
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