

  • I lost about 20 lb without trying in a few months. I was eating and a lot since I was ALWAYS hungry. If your #s are high, you will lose more weight. If your dr isn't concerned about your weight loss, I wouldn't be either. I'm glad they caught your cancer in time and that you are doing better.
  • I do the same. I keep going if it's safe to do so. Don't worry about rude drivers. I've had people spray me with windshield wiper fluid. Just remember that they are sitting on their butt while you are riding to better yourself.
  • Hyperthyroidism needs to be treated by a Dr if you're not seeing on already. There are causes for it including cancer so please be sure to get checked. I have it to and it's not so fun to deal with. They will put you on medication that will make it hard to loose weight. It feels like it comes to a complete stop. If that's…