kini324 Member


  • I am doing a paleo-esque challenge right now and am only eating lean proteins, veggies, healthy fats and some complex carbs. protein: chicken, fish (salmon, tilapia, flounder, cod), egg (I'm not a beef eater) healthy fats: avocado, most nuts except peanuts, coconut milk (canned), coconut oil, coconut butter
  • I love to eat! I have to get better at tracking lately, but my diary is open. I don't log my exercise here only because I factored it into my calorie limit. I blog as well, so feel free to contact me there too. Sending request! I have two little ones (4 and 2.5), I work full time, I have a part time side business, I've…
  • Happy Birthday!!! You can absolutely do this!! I never, ever thought I would lose (and keep) the weight, but it's been two years and I'm still going. Best of luck!!!
  • I think you have an advantage to working from home! You can easily hop on the treadmill (and 30 minutes is GREAT!), hop off and keep working :) I work in an office, on my butt for 8.5 hours a day. I make sure to get up early and get my work out in- at home. I do a lot of the Beachbody programs because they fit my lifestyle…
  • I just started it and I'm feeling it! I really like it and I think it's a GREAT toning program! I will be leaving my review on my blog:
  • I've been told that it's all diet at that point. Low sugar, low carb- lean meats/proteins and veggies are key to getting rid of it. Good luck!
  • I always have almonds, fruit, zucchini, and eggs on hand. They are my quick snacks when I get the urge to snack. I also use peanut flour in my oatmeal, shakes, and cheerios. I like to add veggies and chicken to my quinoa. Cook the quinoa and throw the veggies and chicken in the skillet w/a little bit of coconut oil. I also…
  • I am in decent shape- and am in week two of a P90X/turbo fire hybrid. P90X always scared me- I thought I was not fit enough and it was too intense. I was SO wrong! Key factor to know is that you start at your level. If you can only lift 3lbs, start there. If jumping hurts your knees, modify the move so you aren't jumping.…
    in P90x Comment by kini324 October 2012
  • Awesome! I am in week two of a P90X/turbo fire hybrid and love it!
  • Very simple- you aren't eating enough. If you're pushing your body, you need to fuel it so it will do what you want it to do.
  • Just another vote for awesome! I love her and her work outs. I'm doing a turbofire/P90X hybrid to lose my last ten lbs!
  • I'm one week in and down 3.5 lbs. Love it so far!
  • I book marked your blog and will sign up to follow tomorrow. It's past my bedtime!
    in help? Comment by kini324 October 2012
  • I just want to say congrats on hitting 365 consecutive days. That's awesome! Sorry people on here weren't supportive!
  • I bake or grill it w/a tsp or so of coconut oil and either some herbs, garlic, or a little bit of parmesean cheese. I love it!
  • Try adding healthy fats as they have a higher caloric value. Lean meats are good to for higher calories. Google can be your best friend to find a grocery list. Good luck!
  • Brain Over Binge is a great book. It's definitely helped me, but I still struggle. I don't go in the kitchen after 7 pm if I can help it. I also ask my husband not to let me go in there. Some nights it works, some nights it doesn't. If I tell myself "you do not need to eat" I can usually control my urges. Other nights, I…
  • Check out for some awesome recipes. She has a lot to pick from!
  • Yes, I eat mine back. The base net is already set at a deficit to lose one lb per week. If I don't eat back my calories, my metabolism slows down and holds onto the fat. I do intense work outs too so I need the calories to fuel the fire. I don't eat more, I just eat higher quantity (but quality) calories.
  • I eat more because I do intense work outs (turbo fire). I was doing another intense weight program for three months and didn't lose any weight really. Occasionally going over should be fine. Just be sure you're eating enough so your metabolism doesn't slow down- especially if you're working out too.
  • I love tinkyada rice pasta!
  • I'm a big fan of almonds and hard boiled eggs. I also eat a ton of fruit and veggies, so I stick with them as snacks.
  • I'm doing Turbo Fire, but Insanity is on my list. I hear it's INSANE, but amazing!
  • I get pedicures at every ten lbs- I don't normally get them, so it's my little treat. I think it's great to reward ourselves for our hard work!
  • Hi there! I work full time, have two little ones, but a pretty easy commute :) I just know how hard it is to stay motivated when being pulled in so many different directions. Here's what I do to stay on track: 1. early morning work outs, which I'm used to now 2. I sleep in my work out clothes 3. I kept a picture I hated of…
  • Congrats!! It's hard to resist temptation!!
  • Try and find food high in calories that are good for you- like natural nut butters, avocados, lean protein. You don't necessarily need to eat more- just eat higher caloric foods. At the end of the day, if I need calories, I'll have an apple with almond butter (one or two tbsp). I do three meals and two snacks. Rarely do I…
  • Check out's a great site with lots of recipes that meet your guidelines. :)
  • I think that people want the easy way and think that's the only way to lose weight. They want to hear it's a pill or a wrap or something that takes very little effort. Makes me sad too because I think it gets easier the longer you make healthy decisions. Congrats on your loss!
  • I'm 5'8" and currently in 6s or 7/9, depending on brand. I don't have a pant size goal, but I would like to lose about 10 more lbs.