

  • Love the Polar F6 too! It's super user friendly and under $100 bucks... worth every penny. I feel that it's very accurate and it helps me to log the different exercises I do.
    in HRM Comment by Chasie October 2010
  • That's wonderful! I have had two myself and with a healthy diet and consistent exercise we can get our firm bellies back! Glad you're feeling and looking great! Keep it up... for life!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Buy a Hear Rate Monitor. It's truly the best way to get the most accurate calories burned. I can burn 330kcals doing Plyometrics and only 220 for Cardio X. I don't start my HRM until after the warm up and then I stop it during the cool down. As far as HRM's go, I like the Polar F6.
  • Completely agree! Doing the P90X with the Polar F6 too! Great recommendation!
  • It's an amazing workout program. Especially if you don't have a lot of time to dedicate to exercise. In one hour you get an amazing cardio and toning regimen! It has changed my shape... for the better. Very lean, long muscles, not big and bulky! I can't say anything negative. Tony Horton is wonderful. The first few times…
  • Throw them away but be sure to take them out of the box and let them get all dirty and icky in the trash or you may get tempted to go back to the box. My friend told me to tell yourself, "I know what they taste like, I've had them before so I don't need to try them". And seriously, what's one gonna do for you? We all know…