

  • ive had ibs for year, tested for all sorts and done exclusion diets with a dietitian, nothing helped. about 6 months ago i was reading a article in the womans health and fitness mag about ibs and it recommended trying charcoal tablets. ive tried every med the dr could give me and none helped. tried these and ive never…
  • thank you all, it took us a long time to get preg aswel and lots of ups and downs so i will never be sorry i have them for that reason but they do knock my confidence especially when people say oh they cant be that bad then go 'oohhh' when i show them lol. i call them my mummy lines tho :-) suppose its just about getting…
  • thank you, they are nice words and very true, think i just need to do it and hopefully that will boost my self confidence. no one will know me cos we are going abroad so that makes it easier xxx
  • ive lost 3st over a year and for the first 3months did well then bam hit a wall. i was only on 1200 cals and training 3-5days a week. started to up my cals on 1-2 days and have a 'naughty' night on one of those nights and i have consistantly lost ever since :) it helps you not crave and slip up on the 'good' days aswel.…