Does anyone here have IBS or FODMAPS?



  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Hey I've been on the FODMAPs elimination phase for a week now (I have IBS-C) and although it doesn't stop the C part, it has made a big difference in the IBS part, if that makes any sense haha. I haven't had tummy cramps, lethergy and laziness, headaches or anything all week! It's been incredible, the C part has still been kind of slow, but I'm going to start increasing my fibre now that I know it won't cause tummy pain, and see if it makes a difference. I highly reccommend doing the elimination phase for at least a week just to see if there are any unknown food sensitivities, because honestly, half the symptoms that disappeared I didn't realise I had til they were gone! (feeling heavy and bloated - thought it was partly due to putting on weight, but I feel soooo light and slim now, lethargy and laziness, headaches, etc)

    If anyone wants to add me my diary is open to friends so you can steal ideas from me - I basically only eat fish or eggs with spinach or zucchini and carrots or pumpkin haha.
  • wvfrog22
    I wrote a reply, then realized I already replied in June...oh well! I hope you've gotten better!
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Just another point about about "what suits who"...

    I found that fibre exacerbated my IBS's what suits one person is not necessarily going to suit another! Far better to keep an eye on what you are eating and note when an attack occurs even tho' it may take a little while to track the food items that are irritating your system.
  • mollieMoo06
    ive had ibs for year, tested for all sorts and done exclusion diets with a dietitian, nothing helped. about 6 months ago i was reading a article in the womans health and fitness mag about ibs and it recommended trying charcoal tablets. ive tried every med the dr could give me and none helped. tried these and ive never looked back, i have no bloating, cramps, runs to the loo or anything. they only cost about £4 from a health shop and have seriously pretty much got my ibs under complete control :) x
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I was diagnosed a few years ago with IBS. My doctor's advice - "stop worrying." I have a fairly stressful job, so this advice was not all that helpful. About 10 months ago I started seeing a naturopath (due to severe seasonal allergies and migraines) who is also a holistic nutritionist. She helped me tweak my diet to figure out what exacerbates my IBS. I have found that avoiding wheat, dairy, and meat (aside from fish) helps immensely. I still have symptoms when my stress levels are high, but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. Try an elimination diet if you can and stay away from most processed/packaged foods.
  • whitney_elyse
    whitney_elyse Posts: 24 Member
    I have suffered from IBS for as long as I can remember. My doc put me on a new drug recently called Amitiza, I am not sure how long it has been around but it has sure helped me with the bloating and constipation. I have both diarrea and constipation with my IBS but mainly just Constipation and bloating. Too much stress in my life also causes further stomach cramping, burning I have learned not too let things bother me as much. Fried foods can also cause me more problems, I also have chronic heart burn so I take protonix for that. I hate taking pills too but at least now I have 6 good days and maybe only 1 bad day a week with my IBS/Stomach issues so it is worth it to me.

    This has been exactly my experience. I have IBS-C and it got increasingly worse over the past 2 years. Nothing I tried worked---fiber, probiotics, peppermint teas, more water, more exercise, etc. I also haven't been able to exactly pinpoint trigger foods although I do notice if I deviate too much from my usual healthy eating plan, no matter what the "bad" food is, I am in a ton of pain and it's never worth it. However, after 2 months on Amitiza, I also only have about 1 or 2 bad days per week and it's such an improvement. I'm not sure which version of IBS you have, but I think it's worth asking your doctor about.
    I'm also in agreement with everyone's posting about trying not to stress about it. I found that I perseverated on it for over a year--constantly wondering what was wrong with me, would I ever feel better, etc.--and finally a visit to a GI doc eased my mind and I truly think just the visit alone helped my symptoms, re: stress. Hope this helps! I know this is a terrible battle to fight.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Might be Gluten Intolerance or have some food intolerance. That will cause serous IBS.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I thought I had IBS, or was reacting to wheat, or perhaps dairy. Until one time I figured out that that the food ingredient carrageenan (industrial extract of seaweed) was causing me the grief. Now that I avoid it (it's really not that hard), my gut cleared up. Probably this is the cause of many people's ibs issues, i wouldn't doubt. It is found in prepared dairy products, dairy and meat substitues, some food bars, sandwich meat, and some other things, too.
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    Over the years I have pin pointed what triggers mine, it is a very random list...
    Eggs, bananas, pepperoni( all spiced sausages) smoked meat, fish or cheese,
    Turnip.. As long as I kept off that I was fine, but over Christmas it
    Started back up again..I think it is onions now that is setting it off, but don't want to eat them just in case..