

  • I really think this is right on the money. I do just try to say thanks and explain. I'd much rather people were able to be more honest at both ends of the spectrum of weight with friends. When issues go unnoticed and unspoken about that is usually when problems occur.
  • I used to weigh 282lbs and had a BMI of 38. I never ever thought that it would be possible to get into the health BMI range. I am now 175lbs with a BMI of 23.6 after many years of work. I would say that I never used my BMI as a target I only ever looked on the next 3 or so lbs and just kept going, I have however used it as…
  • StrongLifts is very effective I had a great success with it a while a go when I was trying to build my strength. I have always found it amazing how many people completely neglect their legs when doing weight training.