StrongLift 5x5 - Strength Training added

I have been using MFP for about a month now, from calorie watching and walking 30-40 5x to 6x a week. but I needed to add strength training.

I just started the stronglift 5x5 program last week. And after the first two days of lifting, I could barely walk up my stairs. I was just using a bar without weight. I couldn't believe it had gotten that bad. I had never seriously done squats as I had always focused on bench and rows.

I completed the 1st day of the 2nd week, the weight is going up, but its not so bad, and I can feel the strength building as my core is getting a good workout. The only downside I have right now, are the guys hogging up the benchpress.

I would highly recommend, as the simplicity of it is outstanding. Only 5 excercies to learn, 5 reps, 5 sets only 3 days of the week, and only need 2 stations to excercise on. There is an easy iPhone app, just like MFP that lets me track my lifting as I am doing it, and times my recovery between sets.

I am using the Endomondo app to track my walking by GPS, and it sends my daya directly into MFP. I was hoping the SL5x5 could do the same, but its easy to just copy A or B days and change the weight.


  • Simona40
    Simona40 Posts: 50 Member
    I started SL5x5 this week and never really did squats before and couldnt walk for 2 days! I LOVE it though!

    Last night I had a woman ask me about the program. When I told her about it, she said "it's okay, I'll stick to my 2.5lb weights". Another woman was watching me and then tried to do the same exercises and couldnt even lift the bare bar. I chuckled a bit because women at my gym dont really lift and they dont realize how heavy the bar is on it's own. I work out at a women only gym.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Stronglifts is essentially what we did in HS for football. It's a great strength building system for beginners.
  • katrwal
    katrwal Posts: 336 Member
    thank you for saying that it's an app - so glad you did! i was debating between starting stronglifts & NROLFW, and that made my decision (because i don't want to have to carry a ton of research and documentation stuff with me) :D - you rock! :happy:
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    I'll be starting StrongLifts in the new year, and the simplicity of it is what appeals to me too. Plus the fact that with a little investment up front, I can get started at home, so can fit it much more easily around my other commitments - work, kids, etc.

    Admittedly once the strength builds and the weights go up, I'll eventually have to invest in some heavy duty kit, or join a gym, but at least I can get started, and having the kit at home will allow me to make sure I don't miss out on a workout completely if I don't make it to the gym on a given day.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    It should be a good program, he copied veteran trainer Rippetoe and added a couple sets. xD
  • Gunsentry
    Gunsentry Posts: 121 Member
    ...The only downside I have right now, are the guys hogging up the benchpress.

    Bench in the Power Rack if you go it, just lower the safety pins to chest hight and you bail on them if needed.

    So you can squat, press and bench in the rack. :D

    Save you waiting on the bench press benches.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I had been dabbling in the gym here and there mostly doing whatever. Then A few weeks ago I decided to do StrongLifts 5X5.

    I never done squats before but was like "I been at the gym a while, I can add some weight to start with no problem!"

    Big mistake I made ha ha. For 2 days I waddled around like a frail old man, barely able to go upstairs even.

    Very good idea to follow it to the letter instead!
  • StrongLifts is very effective I had a great success with it a while a go when I was trying to build my strength. I have always found it amazing how many people completely neglect their legs when doing weight training.
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    bump to read later
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    This is pretty much how I felt when I started Insanity & Bootcamp. Expect to feel sore after the first few times until your body becomes accustomed to squats and lunges. The stronger you become, the easier they'll get.

    (Note: lunges and squats are NEVER easy if you're doing them correctly, but they do become less of a "OMG I'm going to die" feeling as you get stronger.)

    And most importantly, congrats on adding strength training to your regime! You'll be so glad you did, the rewards are FANTASTIC. :flowerforyou:
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I agree 100%. It is so simple, easy to follow and progress.

    I also love how I'm not doing a "women's" weightlifting program. I want to workout with the boys!

    Haha also waddled like a penguin for 3 days after my first workout. Used just the bar, for 25 squats. Then I got leg massages! Win win!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    I'm a girl doing SL - and I love it! I love the squat! I started at the bar as well and as of the last time I was able to do 70 lbs - and I still wasn't close to fail. I think it's great for doing increases in weight - and definitely gives you confidence when it comes to strength training.

    Good for you!!!

    Agreed on the people hogging the racks though - I can tell you though, it's even weirder for a chick to try and get the squat rack, especially if people leave their stuff on it after their done!