dirtbikegirl5 Member


  • Almost forgot to post my squats. Done for today!!! happy day ladies. :)
    in Day 2 Comment by dirtbikegirl5 May 2013
  • I did my 50 squats this morning and got through most of the ab workout. I did google all of the exercises, but some of them were harder to do. I think that the core strength from doing this challenge will help me to conquer that. Have a super day everyone. :)
    in Day 1 Comment by dirtbikegirl5 May 2013
  • this is a personal choice. if you both want it this way, then that is what counts. it is not about pleasing everyone else. besides, you can still have a reception afterwards. my friends got married in Hawaii then came back and had a reception.
  • I am Italian and people always ask if I have a hot temper. I did not realize that Italians had tempers. Everyone in my family is really calm and laid back.
  • This is a tough one. My ex-husband and I had one child, tried to tried to have another and could not. I knew that I was missing something and could not get rid of that feeling. Finally, when I gave up, I got pregnant.....with twins. The ex-husband did not care one way or another if we had more children. It was all about…
  • I get hypoglycemic, too, but it doesn't happen when I work out, My sugar just gets low at some points throughout the day and I need straight sugar. This may involve one cookie eaten slowly so I don't bring my sugar up too fast. I never eat a lot when this happens. You may be someone who needs to eat a light breakfast…
  • Getting kids into exercise is not a bad thing, but I would be careful about using the words "lose weight". At 6, or any age, it should be about being healthy and eating right. I am a lifelong anorexic and bulimic so I have to watch the words that I say to my impressionable 8 year old daughters. I try to give them a healthy…
  • I understand your thought process and you can certainly have whoever you want on your friends. However, I have friends of all ages on my friends list (18 to 60) and I really find all of them to be a help to me. I am 41. Although, I love having people in their 40's on my friends list, you never know when someone who is in…
  • I find that when I stick to meat (mostly fish) and vegetables (cooked at dinner time, raw throughout the day), I get lower carb days. I actually feel better when I don't have the carbs too high. That said, I don't go as low as 10g. I think that, as long as you are healthy, then high protein, low carb is okay, but I am not…
  • Ghiradelli dark chocolate squares - just one if I need some chocolate. It is a good and good for you.
  • I keep my profile public and I asked people to send a message with their FR to say what we have in common. If they do not send a message, I rarely accept.
  • Congratulations on the hard work!! You look great. I do hope you told that person that they are a d*****bag for saying that.
  • I noticed, a while back, that my legs would shake when I stood up on the bike. Since I have increased my leg work (squats, lunges, running), it has stopped. I have noticed the same for my arms. I started lifting a little heavier and I don't feel like I am going to fall off the bike if I don't hold on for my life.
  • Girlfriend!! Don't be sad. Embrace your 30's. I am going to be 42 and I am in better shape than I was in my 20's. The only thing you need to remember is work out, eat right and moisturize.
  • Glad to see you. I accepted your FR. I am also eating clean and organic. :smile:
  • Sometimes we are just hungry. It sounds likes you have the proteins in and that is what usually keeps us full. I am sure your dinner will be more than 5 calories, so if water and gum chewing won't help, maybe have some more cottage cheese or a protein bar.
  • Do you have to use peanut butter powder for this to turn out right or can you use regular peanut butter or almond butter?
  • Formal work outs are for the weekdays. Fun work outs are for the weekends. We ride dirt bikes, jump rope, play soccer, swim, walk, bike ride on the weekends. We live in sunny Florida, so there are very few times we are inside on the weekend. When we are, I love to watch movies and play with the girls. Sometimes, playing…
  • It is a learning process. You have to find what works for you. I have two children still at home and a son who is off living on his own. I log everything that I eat. I do this either during lunch, early a.m. or at home after the children go to bed. I work out at 5 am or it won't get done. I have had eating disorders, so my…
  • My bikini keeps me motivated. I want to know that I feel good about myself when I am on the beach, not embarrassed to take off my cover up.
  • I am 41, married and have 3 kids -2 still at home. I work out before anyone gets up or it won't happen. Feel free to add me.
  • I would either work out when you get home at 3:40 or I also think working out while watching the television show would be good, too. If I don't work out before work, it just won't get done. My girls each have an hour of homework, at night, that I help them with. I could never get my workout in at night. Subway isn't bad if…
  • Welcome and congratulations on fighting for your life!!
  • I am doing Killer buns and thighs right now, but I have done 30 day shred and Ripped in 30. I like them all. She is determined to get our bodies in shape.
  • Are you already aware of what she is mad about or did you just get the text and are puzzled? Your answer sounds playful, not serious. My husband and I don't text each other, but if we did, this sounds like something he would say to get me out of whatever I am upset about. If you call her, will she answer or do you picture…
  • I tried it barefoot, but I did not feel like my ankles had the proper support, so I put on my running shoes. I found it to be more comfortable, but everyone is different.
  • There are many girls on here dedicated to promoting ED. If you look at my profile, I put it out there that I will not support it. That said, I do have girls on my friends list who have ED's. I do my best to try to support them, but, at the end of the day, nothing that I say will help them. They need professional help, and…
  • Why would you want to forget part of your life? Erase him from your past? This makes no sense to me. If he was a dirt bag, then you learn your lesson and know how to choose wisely next time. Remember there were probably some good times, but that chapter in your life is closed and it is time to move on. Of course, if all…
  • Did he at least offer to buy you a protein drink after?
  • Yes, I pretty much eat the same things. I like it that way, too.