

  • That's awesome, and you look great.
  • What an inspiration you are! Good Job.
  • I have a few reasons and I am not sure what order they are in. Health, vanity, I don't want my son who is about to start middle school to be embarrassed by his fat mom, I want to stop hiding from having my picture taken, I want energy. We were at Disney this weekend b/c my son participated in the Kids race. Walking around…
  • I didn't think it was weird but other people did. I would only drink milk with ice in it. (Now I just don't drink milk.) I ate tomatoes whole, like an apple. (Still do)
  • Ok so I think I am the old lady of the group. 40years old SW: 196.4 CW: I WI tomorrow so I'll let you know short term GW 130 ultimate goal weight undecided 100-115 I think I am 5ft tall. Oh and I'm Kimberly
  • Wow that is really amazing. I just started MFP (will WI for the first time tomorrow) and I need people like you to inspire me. Hopefully I will be where you are one day.
  • That is amazing. What an inspiration you are! You look great.
  • I know what you mean. Between my pt job, and my sons school and extra activities there is so little time to cook/eat healthy meals.He has just taken up wrestling so that is another thing to work around. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf, but it is not easy. I really just want to set a good example for my son so he is not…
  • Not silly at all. Just because you serve (or even eat) fast food doesn't mean you shouldn't be healthy. Moderation is the key I think. Good Luck to you. I have 80-90lbs to use and right now that amount seems so impossible. I'm going in stages and just taking it one day at a time right now.
  • Sorry, Carl, wasn't trying to hijack your post, thought I was creating a new thread. Good luck to you. 2nd times a charm, right?
    in Hi there Comment by kvrnmom02 March 2012
  • Hi there. I'm Kim an Rn, wife and mom to a very active 10year old boy. I have ALWAYS been a weight fluctuater and overweight most of my adult life. About 7years ago I lost a lot of weight with WW but ended up gaining it all back. Sadly I am not getting any younger and the older I get the harder it is to get the weight off.…
    in Hi there Comment by kvrnmom02 March 2012