

  • Very cool story. You are an inspiration for me to keep going. I just started a few days ago and reading about your success gives me hope. Thanks for sharing!
  • The yolks contain the most bad cholesterol, so if you have cholesterol problems the doctors tend to steer you away from yolks. I liked the eggland's best eggs, which were high in Omega 3s, but they are more expensive than regular eggs. I don't have cholesterol problems, plus I like the taste of the yolk, so I eat the whole…
    in Eggs? Comment by jjardina August 2011
  • Yeah, wine, especially red is a better alternative. Sometimes I just have to a beer tho. I'm basically doing the same thing you are, holding my drinking for the weekend. I dont know tho, one bad day at work could possibly ruin that plan... will power, will power..
  • Switch to pot... it's not any safer, but far fewer calories man... I love the beer too; I have a 12 pack in the fridge right now. Its been in there for 3 days tempting me, but when I get the urge I go work out or play with the kids... I also drink a lot of water. I just started this week, so I don't know how long I can…