

  • I've lost 60 since the beginning of the year.
  • Don't give up! After I turned 59, I decided that there was nothing I could do to turn back the hands of time except to lose weight. I'm not for sure how much I weighed when I started this 'diet', but I approximate around 212 lbs. I do know at one time I was at 220. I started with the Mediterrean Diet, then switched to…
  • I can relate to what you are going through. I just doesn't happen until you are good and ready in every fiber of your body. I will be 60 and I realized the only way I could get 'younger' again was to get heallthy. It took me 2 years to change my eating habits totally, but about 3 months ago, I finally found the correct…
  • I think it's best to stick with people my own age on a weight loss program. So here I am. A little about me: I'm 59, mom, grandmother, work in employment services, in graduate school. From what I can find from my other weight loss attempts (logs, diaries, internet programs), I started at 220 lbs and I am currently at 175…
  • I love my Wii Fit! Even if I don't use the exercise, I weigh myself on it several times a week, just so it will record it for me. If I get discouraged, I go to the graph to see how far I have come the last few months! Well worth the money. I also have Zumba for my Wii. Love that too!
  • I weigh myself daily and keep close watch on my graph. (fitness pal & Wii Fit) It is a better way to see where my ups and downs are.
  • Since the only meat I eat is fish/seafood, my doctor recommended the Mediterranean Diet. It worked for my first 18 pounds or so, then I was only losing a few tenths of a pound a week. He also had recommended South Beach. I checked it out, and they have a plan for vegetarians! Now, I am out of my plateau and losing a few…
  • I have several goals. I have met 2. yay!
  • I'm gettng close too, at least that is what my Wii tells me!:drinker:
  • Glad to find this forum! My goal is to lose 30 more pounds by January 1st-my 60th birthday! :wink:
  • My ex and I were in Florida with the kids and when I got home, I saw he took a picture of me walking on the beach. It was nice picture, I wasn't in in bad shape then. My ex said, "I took that so you could see how fat you are!". I am about 5'6", and at the time probaby weighed about 160. I'm a big girl, and have a really…