momofclaire Member


  • I am not much of a fan of protein shakes, but I have found the Special K chocolate to be not bad at all if icy cold. I have been having it for breakfast lately. Good Luck!
  • I was once also a Hellman's Original Mayo addict. I have since broke myself of it & now only use the Light version. To decrease my calories even more I sometimes split half light mayo with half plain lowfat yogurt or fat free sour cream. Make sure you are really watching your portion sizes when using the mayo as it sneaks…
  • Lots of fiber, lots of water, & eat at home as much as possible. Home is a much more controlled environment. You have age on your side! :)
  • Sound like Plantar Fasciaitis (spelling?) Ask your doc. Not much they can do for that unless you want cortisone injections. Mine flares up but then backs off for long periods of time. Good Luck!