Here are the weigh ins for the ORANGE team for May 1st: Prizmaa- CW 159 MGW 154 jennhamps- CW 185.2 MGW 179 majik0516- CW 215.6 MGW 205 amanda80- CW 220 MGW 210 laurajean1120- CW 214 MGW 208 court617- CW 162.9 MGW 155 bubblesburst80- CW 217.4 MGW 212.4 tasiamere- CW 184.4 MGW 179 FHerndon01- CW 200.4 MGW 190 Mslatonya- CW…
Hey orange team, Our group page is finally working now, so go to the group and post!!! :D
lol, give it a try, maybe you'll find a way you really like it! I have made cauliflower mash in place of mashed potatoes before and I liked it. My husband wasn't a fan of it though, lol.
Ohhh I've had spaghetti squash before in place of pasta and I liked it! It's very different, but still yummy! At least, I think so, anyway! :) You'll have to let us know how you like it!
Wow! Your first 5K on Saturday! That's exciting!! Have you been doing the C25K program to get ready at all or just other stuff? I'm on week 6 of the C25K and I love it so much!! Yes, I do believe I will be trying the Greek Yogurt when I go to the store this weekend, I've heard many great things about it! Anyone else care…
I had everyone check in for my orange team, although I think they all did it on the orange team thread and not on the original one. I did mention to them to make sure they check in on the original one, but I guess some haven't yet? I just wanted to let you know that my whole team did check in (even though not at the right…
Yay! Looks like everyone found our team page, lol. Now for those of you who haven't done so, the actual place where you will be going each week and posting your weigh in is here on this thread - So if you haven't posted your weigh in there, please…
yep yep! I made a thread for the orange team now, good idea!
1. Orange Team 2. CW: 159 3. MGW: 154
I would like to join as well!!
Yep! Definitely nothing wrong with repeating weeks. :) But you will be amazed at how fast your body can adapt to the changes from week to week! If you want, feel free to friend me! :)
That is awesome that you've started doing the C25K. I'm currently beginning week 5 and really enjoying it! For me, I had a bit of calf tightness at first too. I stretched out really good after the warm up and again after the cool down. I just do a normal calf stretch and then while I'm in the calf stretch, I will bend my…
I would try again this evening, if I were you. For me, on the first day of my period, I have had cramps so bad that I almost passed out and felt extremely weak. But I found that after that initial bout, I feel much better later on that day and can go about my normal business. I'd just try again a bit later this evening and…
Thanks for your replies! Yes, I think if I did it, I would not be buying the supplements, as I can't afford that right now. I would just replace them with healthy snacks instead. I think I would definitely have to tweak the diet part a bit so that it is manageable for me, because if I follow something that is super…
You are doing so awesome!!! Your progress pictures are very inspiring!! :)
QOTD-11/4 What's your favorite strength training move? Why? Least favorite? My favorite strength training move is my shoulders and my abs. My shoulders because I can actually see a big difference in them and it makes me like doing the exercises when I can see a change! And my abs because they're pretty strong and I love…
11/3/11-QOTD: What part of your body do you struggle with the VERY know the part I am talking about...the one that is always the very last to show improvement...the one you have the mental battle about all the time...saying "its never going to change...argghh" AND......what are you trying (and/or have tried) to…
QOTD Wednesday 10/26: Lets make this a fun one.... If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Oh wow, what a difficult decision!! 1.Carribbean Island 2.Australia/New Zealand 3.Ireland 4.Italy
Yes ma'am! I agree with Jordan Reubin's eating guidelines :) I followed his book 6 years ago when I was dealing with infertility and I believe following it played a huge part in my finally being able to conceive then. I am basically eating this way again now as much as I can. :)
Monday October 24, 2011 QOTD: When is your favourite time of day to work out? Do you find it makes a difference? I like to work out in the morning, soon after I wake up. I find that if I do it early, then it's done and I don't have to think about it the rest of the day. It seems the longer I wait to workout, the more…
QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of! 1. I can walk up the big hill to my in-laws and not be out of breath when I reach the top 2. I can do some of the more advanced ab workouts (who'd have thunk it!)…
QOTD 10/8/11 Saturday: Is there any speific body part you're looking forward to "re-discovering" or discovering for the first time as you reach your weight loss goals? My arms!!!! I've always felt that my arms were big and manly-looking. So I am really really looking forward to discovering nicely toned feminine arms!!! :D
QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not? I don't think this is a bad idea if you can get right back on track. I don't think it will mess anything up or ruin your progress at all, if you're diligent about…
QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)? I just started the turbo fire program and it a 20 week program that I plan to complete. So it'll keep me busy for quite awhile!!
Just curious, are we going to be assigned "partners" for this? Someone we can personally connect with and send messages to every day?
QOTD 10/5/11 Wednesday - What do you think was the biggest factor in your weight gain? What do you think is the biggest factor in your successfuly weight loss? Well, the biggest factor in my weight gain was I loved to eat all the wrong kinds of foods and I let myself get just plain lazy. The biggest factor in my losing…
I would like to join as well! This will be great to get me through the holidays and be accountable! :D
QOTD Tuesday 10/4/11: Now that you have been communicating with your partner for a full week, except our newest member on the blue team, I'm sure you have some words of encouragement, congratulations, thankfulness or up lifting... Today is give your partner a public shout out day.... (I hope this is ok, I know it's not a…
Wow!! Congratulations to the winners of the first week!! And as a group, we lost so much weight this week!! You guys are all doing amazing!!! Let's keep it up! :D