

  • Mistibergman- Don't feel bad. I'm up 2 cup sizes, too. I measured into a 32 DD, and I was like... whoa!! lol. I don't know what I'm going to do when I breastfeed because I heard they get even bigger then. My sister likes to joke saying I'm all boobs I finished painting in the baby's room today. :-) Sadly I…
  • Mondeflottany - I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks on Valentines Day this year and was super scared, too when I found out I was expecting again. I ended up needing a progesterone supplement for the first 13 weeks and had two bleeding episodes that scared me to death early on. I'm 24 weeks now with a healthy baby boy and…
  • Hi ladies. Well I'm 24 weeks today. :-) I got up this morning and jogged about 3 miles and it felt really good. I actually got my husband to go with me yesterday, though he could only make it about 1 mile. He joined myfitnesspal yesterday and is hoping to lose about 50lbs. He's currently 260 at 5'11" He's still nervous…
  • smilegirl- running till 40 weeks is amazing :-) I know I won't hold out that long, partially because Indiana weather is terrible after Thanksgiving. I like to go running still, but I've been having people harass me on the running trails near my house for running while pregnant. It makes me feel like a terrible mom, even…
  • I've been thinking about getting a yoga DVD as well. I walk a lot, too, but in the late 3rd trimester when I need to the most I will be unable to because the weather will probably be too crappy by then to do much walking.
  • Hi I'm Megan. I'm currently 23.5 weeks along with my first and have gained about 10 lbs so far. I joined myfitnesspal so that I could have a place to go to hold myself accountable for my eating and exercising habits while I'm pregnant. I'm normally 5'5" 125 lbs and used to run about 6 miles 3-4 times a week. I'm still able…