

  • Feel free to add me. Mother of , now 3. Been on her for 2 years, found out I was expecting last January. I now have a 4 month old baby boy and I'm ready to get moving again :)
  • Thanks last 2 posters :) The slowing my metabolism is one thing i was concerned with. I will try to slowly increase more good foods, and I never tried a smoothie for breakfast, I could probably do that. Thank you for your suggestions.
  • Thank you lolagotthin, But to maybe clarify... I didn't keep track of calories when I was gaining weight... It wasn't but a few months ago, so breakfast would have consisted of 3 cups of coffee with lots of sugar, and creamer, lunch would be maybe 2 pieces of pizza, dinner would be a burger with cheese and fries. I drank…
  • Portions are the same, choices were different. When I gained the weight I WAS eating big macs, and french fries, with a large soda to drink. NOW that I'm trying to lose weight I have started eating lower calorie items but pretty much the same portion size as say a big mac.
  • Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one :smile: I was discussing it with a friend of mine and he said "Just go eat a big mac woman." Ummm no. I'm actually doing well with eating healthier and it's been pretty easy to keep up. I'm not just going to go eat a big mac /sigh lol
  • I'm in the process of letting my short hair grow out and I'm at what I call "the stupid stage" where I really can't do anything with it. I usually use a bandanna for working out.