

  • Well I had a proud night last night. After finishing a four day car project (in the garage with no beer.) We went out to dinner and I DIDN'T have a single drink! Dinner out and a reason to celibrate but I didnt drink, thats just un-hread of! wooo go me! lol
  • well last week was my little brothers 21st so little to say (even as low on money as we both are) we split a few pitchers! But the next day my car broke down and normaly that would meen beer and garage time, however I'm doin good, three days in the garage and not one beer! amazing for a guy! lol
  • sometimes I wish I wasnt so poor (but such is the life of a student/artist lol) I would like to be drinkin vodka or some rum and I know it's better for me. but here I sit with a 40 of 211. however I did good enough with my callories today that after this beer I still have 588 to use lol lets just hope I can keep myself…
  • well not a single drink last week and after two weeks of half *kitten* diet and working out I have stoped gaining and even lost 5lb. So if I can scrouge up the change I think there will be a few empty 40 bottles layin around my painting easel tonight! lol
  • In middle school I got the nick name Jester (always the clown!) In High school I fell in love with "Insane Clown Posse" who call the freaks and outcasts that fallow them "Juggalo's" so it fit! I have been the freaky, outcast, clown, Known as: "juggaloJester" for about 14 years now. (the 72 is just for fun lol)
  • OH MY GOD BEEEEERR!!! I love beer! been drinkin 40's of Olde English 800 since 16 (I'm now 29) I was once to the point of 5 or 6 40's a day! WAY TO MUCH!! but those were dark times! I'm now happy to say I may have a drink with dinner once in a while or a 40 once a week. (still just love the cheep buz!) Last night I looked…
  • agreed! when I was a teen all I ate was chips and dr. pepper, I was a little over weight then but NOTHING like growing into my 20's. now I'm tryin to fight myself back down to healthy before I hit the 30 range! lol But I dont think It's all metabo. when I was a teen I was ALWAYS active. now I find my self on my fat…