n0excuses4m3 Member


  • I just found this group... im just starting... again 🙄 Before when I counted miles instead of time, it really helped me . 100 miles in February? Yikes, I'm a bit behind... but ready .
  • hello I was just diagnosed with thyroid nodules. my doc says it is normal, and it is because I am fat. so nothing will be done to help me. I have seen a naturalpath who has me on a bunch of stuff. my neck is swelling up, hard to breathe and I choke on food all the time. my hair is falling out, and I am completly exhausted.…
  • thanks guys. I will! and I will search more . so what can we do to motivate ourselves.... I need to. I don't want to buy bigger pants anymore! lol
  • I have been told it is the acid in coffee , not caffeine that makes me so sick....
  • it is all chemicals, how is that good for you? there are so many studies that say the same thing, soda is so bad for you. on a quest to get healthy I choose not to add any artificial chemicals. that is one of the reasons I got fat in the first place!
  • what about dinner? if your hungary, eat raw veggies, VERY low in calories. what can't you eat? we are working out new meals that are tasty but are very low in calories. I could message you if you want with them. some times if you eat just a little, then you will be hungary. but if you eat a lot of low calories stuff, then…
  • I am in... I also like the idea of facebook group.