musicmaestro25 Member


  • I am going to start this tomorrow. Since I left the gym in order to cycle to work instead, I have noticed that I am less toned than I used to be so I will be using this to compliment my cycling (16 miles 3/4 times a week) I am looking forward to it!
  • The amount of calories i'm eating is what MFP recommends to lose 1lb a week. I find it hard to eat back all of my exercise calories back sometimes. I'm not sure what to eat to help make it up. When i first came out of the military i knew it was going to be a big change so i cut down gradually before i discovered MFP. I go…
  • So, its now been about 5 or 6 weeks and I still haven't lost any weight. I'm really frustrated now, it seems like the only way for me to lose weight would be for me to starve myself (I'm already on 1200-1300 calories a day) but i refuse to do that. I'm at a total loss. I exercise, i avoid snacks like chocolate and crisps…
  • I am ex RAF and my other half is in the RAF. I'm struggling to keep weight off now i have an office job :-(
  • Thanks for that response. That's helped clear a few things up. :-)
  • So, according to that in order for me to lose any weight, on days i dont exercise my calorie intake should be 900? (My basal calorie level is 1400) Surely this is too low?
  • I also find it hard to eat my exercise calories. Moslty on days where I go to the gym and then play my Trombone in a band (I do this 3 times a week for 2 hours) It's amazing how many calories playing an instrument burns. I try to avoid going to the gym on these days but even when I do i still find it hard without resorting…
  • Hi Its good to know i'm not the only one. I wonder if my body is just confused, it's gone from a highly physical job where i had to eat at least 2500 calories a day, to a serene job and eating 1400. I was hungry all the time at first because i was used to eating 3 big meals a day. I cut down gradually and i'm not so hungry…