

  • Hi, the reason that your heart rate 'appeared to go up to 225 is probably because the chest strap was either a bit too loose or that you had a bad contact. Try some cardio gell for the two rubber pads if it is tight enough, and like the others there is no other way than to buy another hrm with calorie burn on it, sorry.…
  • Hi, yes, its about right on the exercise machine. I have a spinning bike which is very similar. The real way to burn calories is to get your heart rate up a little. I am 57 and a good rate for me is 128 beats per minute (BPM) after I have warmed up (about 10 minutes cycling). It will increase as you become tired during the…
  • I know its hard Anna, I personally like good brandy. But in truth I haven't touched it. You are going to have to decide which is more important, your health (and shape) I guess or the drink. nobody is going to judge you either way, it is all about what you want. When you decide, dig your heals in and just fight hard.…
  • Hi, I will not be much help to you I feel, but here goes. Drink lots of water, it really works. Then do 30 minutes of (fast) walking a day Monday to friday and do it at REGULAR times. this will give you extra calories and ups your metabolic rate (you won't think hungry so much). Hope it helps a bit. Keep going, John.