1 week into an increased calorie diet and I am STARVING!



  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Here is a macro breakdown to work toward based on a 1500 calorie a day intake.

    30% protein - 112 grams; this will help with hunger issue, don't forget the vegetable (like nuts and legumes) sources are available to you as well as the meat and eggs.

    45% carbs - 168 grams; leafy greens, tubers, legumes, fruits are your friends; grains not so much, do them in moderation.

    25% fats - 42 grams; your cooking oils, nuts, avocados, and meats will provide much of this. You typically don't have to go out of your way to find it. But don't have a phobia either. It helps with energy levels when done right.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Additionally if your diet is currently coming mostly from simple carbs (these are starches such as rice, grains which includes corn and hominey, white fless potatos, and anything made with flour more or less) you will get hungry quick and be prone to feeling lethargic throughout the day.

    This has to do with an aspect of food referred to as its glycemic index. In a nutshell, the higher the GI the more insulin is dumped in the bloodstream to deal with the resulting blood sugar from the carbs. As a result hunger returns relatively quickly and energy levels tend to drop.

    In those who have trouble maintaining stable blood sugar levels this can result in too much insulin which in turns causes the blood sugar levels to drop dramatically. This is a hypoglycemic episode that is sometimes characterized with light headedness, shakes, headaches, hunger, and lethargy.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    whey protein might have lactose but there's other protein sources

    Hempseed is usually very safe for those unable to tolerate nuts, gluten, lactose, and sugar.
    Beans and legumes....

    and if you're going to use Stevia get the plant extract yourself or grow it in your garden... truvia and purevia are no better than aspartame and splenda in the amount of processing in them see http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/180927-truvia-and-purevia-leave-it-on-the-grocery-store-shelf

    Darnit! lol. so much for that idea! :D
    You've got to make your own decision on these things as there is a lot of hype floating around the 'net. Anything that says Coca Cola has been "poisoning us for years with HFCS" immediately loses a lot of credibility in my book.
  • I drink water constantly and I find that helps a lot. (I should count the extra exercise running to the bathroom all day!).
    I allow myself 14 almonds a day and save them until I'm really hungry - usually when I get home from work before dinner is prepared.
    I went over a week without any weight loss. Then I eliminated fruit from my diet (except for my 1/4 cup blueberries with my morning oatmeal) and keep my sugar below 30g/day. Today the scales finally moved.
  • Hi, I will not be much help to you I feel, but here goes. Drink lots of water, it really works. Then do 30 minutes of (fast) walking a day Monday to friday and do it at REGULAR times. this will give you extra calories and ups your metabolic rate (you won't think hungry so much). Hope it helps a bit. Keep going, John.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    whey protein might have lactose but there's other protein sources

    Hempseed is usually very safe for those unable to tolerate nuts, gluten, lactose, and sugar.
    Beans and legumes....

    and if you're going to use Stevia get the plant extract yourself or grow it in your garden... truvia and purevia are no better than aspartame and splenda in the amount of processing in them see http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/180927-truvia-and-purevia-leave-it-on-the-grocery-store-shelf

    Darnit! lol. so much for that idea! :D

    As I understand it, there are many soy-based protein powders available, too. Also, don't count out whey-based protein powders. I'm pretty sure that the processing that they go through also removes the lactose... at any rate, the brand I use (Syntrax Nectar) is whey-based but also lactose-free.

    Personally, my doctor has me eating at least 50g protein every 3 hrs. Minimum 350g per day. So I usually have all of my meals and snacks with at least one scoop of protein powder in my drink. Aside from that, lots of eggs, chicken, fish, pork, beef, almonds, peanuts, and higher-protein lower-carb veggies like spinach and mushrooms. My go-to snacks when I get the munchies are hard-boiled eggs and beef jerky. But like I said, I very rarely get hungry any more. Makes it very easy to resist temptations. :-)

    Good luck to you!
  • Sararainmaker
    Sararainmaker Posts: 48 Member
    I added some more protein into my diet today, including adding protein powder into my soy milk before I steamed it for my coffee today, and it seems to have helped. I am pretty sure with the way I have been eating the past 15 or so years that even trying to get to 100g of protein a day would probably make me sick! :D I set my goals a little under 100, and we'll see if I can manage that for a while. I just don't think such a drastic change in my intakes would be good, but a more gradual one will work for me! I'll adjust them when I can maintain this. :)

    Again, thank you all for your support and advice!
    I was much less hungry today. :)