thanks you guys you guys will get theyre trust me!!! (:
Its not going to starve him to death no, it'll just have him eating smaller porportions, but I had to learn to eat frequently throughtout the day like snaking but it can be anything healthy, I eat every 3 hours something small because with the surgery It prevents me from eating large porportions but since I have been doing…
good luck!! listen to everything your surgeron says about how to eat, what to do and not to do and you'll be fine! (: add me (:
Omega (multi vitamins) bioten, and eat lots of tuna!! high in protien!!
I had the gastric sleeve last year in october I weight 279 before surgery and now im at 190 I need to keep going and I need support!!! it has changed my life but Im not done yet lol
add me (: