

  • eating 4 meals a day is the only way I can stick to the diet. For breakfast (9) I do a eggwhite cheese omlet w/ veggies and in only clocks in at 120 cals! For lunch (12) I eat special k w/ skim milk, dinner (4) I like chili w/ chicken but u cant just have meatless. The beans add enough protein. Snack (8) depends what I…
  • I workout 6 days a week. Mornings is when I do cardio 45mins muy thai, running, jump roping etc. Then in the evenings b4 dinner i strength train for 60 mins. free weights, pilates, ect. ive dropped 16lbs so far btw
  • As the lovely people before me has said, Im new to this. Not so much new to dieting and exercizeing per say but I guess I am because before u have a child, it seems weigh can slide off it was easy but after I had my son its so much harder! you have schedules to stick to and people to work much more stress! lol I…