

  • After I took a break to think about it, it came to me. I had been working on a college forensics paper all day & was a little stressed I guess, so I couldn't remember.
  • Christine, go into Tools. There are a couple of options to choose from.
  • I started at 205 (the most I've ever weighed in my life). My Dr. wants me to lose 40 lbs, (HBP) that would put me at 165, which I think is too heavy so my personal goal is 140-150. I think that even sounds a little high for me. I'm 5' 8" & my friends think less than 150 would be too much. I guess I'll know when I get…
  • You look absolutely fabulous!
  • I skipped breakfast because I wasn't hungry, I usually just have cold cereal. I had to go to the grocery store this afternoon so I decided that once I got in the store I'd be starving so I stopped at McDonalds & had their smallest cheeseburger, small fries, & a med. coke & OMG! we're talking around 700 calories. Now I feel…
  • I have the Zumba DVDs & use them. Zumba can kick your butt, I have asthma so I can't do the whole session, I usually do about 5 minutes before I'm huffing & puffing & have to stop. According to the Zumba info you can burn 1,000 calories per hour, but I don't know anyone who can stick with it that long. God bless anyone who…
  • That is so wonderful! Keep up the great work!
  • Thank you! I've never done any real weight loss before so this is my first official attempt. I want to lose about 60 lbs, but I'm concerned about having loose skin or flab after I start losing some real weight & not being able to get rid of it. I'm sure others have the same fear.
    in Hello! Comment by 58Sunny May 2010
  • Hi Sherry, I'm new too. I started at this site about 3 weeks ago & so far I love it. I have lost 2 lbs. Its a great way to keep track & see what you're eating & how many calories you've burned. Good luck on your weight loss.
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