

  • Hi! I have just recently came back to MFP and I have no friends :( I am brand new to the website. I would love to be friends. I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I'm on day 4 of Level 3 so 6 more days and I will have finally completed it. I am not trying to lose weight, just tone from the weight I have already lost.…
  • Hi Mayra, I'm 25 and I'm also a full time mom. I will add you as a friend. I think it's great motivation too :)
  • Hi April, way to go! Just keep it up!! It's not always easy but eventually it becomes your lifestyle. I have just recently come back to MFP and would love to get friends on here. I think that's great motivation! Would you like to be friends? I am brand new to the website, but I have had the app on my phone for awhile.
    in hi Comment by JodiLamb87 October 2012