Looking to add friends

Hey everyone,

I only have a handfull of people on my friends list on here and they are like me and are rarely on this site. I want to use this as a huge tool in my weight loss goals but I need to build a support network. I have been logged in for 6 days straight and filling out my food and exercise logs. Anyone want to be a part of my support network? I will also try to help motivate you as well. Thanks all and good luck.


  • Hi! I have just recently came back to MFP and I have no friends :( I am brand new to the website. I would love to be friends. I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I'm on day 4 of Level 3 so 6 more days and I will have finally completed it. I am not trying to lose weight, just tone from the weight I have already lost. I've lost 55 pounds since joining MFP. I'll add you as a friend if that's ok!