

  • Five Months to Fab and Fit?
  • I take Juice Plus, I find that the all natural mix of all fruits and all veggies helps me really get a broad range of nutrients :)
  • I am 5'6, started at 150 and am now at 137lbs, I would ultimately like to get to 130, I have an hourglass shaped body therefore while I have lost almost 5 inches on my waist my thighs have only lost around 1 full inch :( Therefore, I will continue my cardio and strength training and hope that those last 7 pounds will come…
  • Hey there, I don't have the link but if you google 30 day shred results there will be a link to a myfitnesspal message board that everyone posted their results on and it seemed to me that there was a very wide range of women's weights who participated in the 30DS and all had amazing results! I am on day 7 and loving the…