30DS questions

I want to try 3DS, I have a lot of weight to lose weight, and would like to tone as I go so hopefully I will not have so much sagging skin. I have read a lot and think this might be a good video to use. However is it something that is ok for someone of my size to do. Over the last month on MFP I have exercised everyday and lost weight I do feel like it is something I have the motivation to do I just don't know if it is better to use when you are closer to your goal weight. I would also like to know where I can buy it or does it need to be ordered online. Thank you in advance for any help I might get with this.


  • DanielleRN8
    I'm currently in a group that is doing the 30DS and we all range in size. I don't think size really matters as long as you don't stop working out during the 25 minute video (the key is to keep your heart rate up the entire time.) You can buy the video online or Walmart has it for $10. Good luck! :)
  • cdusanka
    What is this 30DS? You've peaked my interest!

    I agree with dhamilton8, size doesn't matter! I started doing yoga for the first time in my life this past Fall, and I weighed 295lbs! I will say it isn't easy...yoga isn't exactly chubby friendly...but I decided that I wasn't going to let my size hold me back anymore! I decided to live my life as though I weigh my goal weight!

    As long as you believe you can do something, you CAN!
  • rrtnat
    rrtnat Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for your reply and 30ds is the 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels from my understanding it helps to tone your body, I'm gonna go buy it and do it I know that I can.
  • haileysfitlife
    Hey there, I don't have the link but if you google 30 day shred results there will be a link to a myfitnesspal message board that everyone posted their results on and it seemed to me that there was a very wide range of women's weights who participated in the 30DS and all had amazing results! I am on day 7 and loving the results, not the workout as much ;) good luck!!
  • cdusanka
    hahahaha! I have it packed in a box somewhere in the basement!!!! One of the many boxes I haven't unpacked since moving in with my Fiance! It's funny because after reading this and replying, a woman in my Zumba class told me she just started 30DS...then I clued in to what it was!! hahaha!